W18NX001 + T25CF001 2way Passive Crossover Design
Seas Nextel 7″ and Excel tweeter
Woofer: 0.5 cubic foot vented, single straight port 2″ diameter x 6″ length.
Note: Single high-pass cap, but some extra resistor-padding in high-pass.
SEAS Loudspeaker Specification Sheets
About SEAS
SEAS loudspeaker drivers are designed and manufactured in Norway. In the late 1920s, at the Norwegian Institute of Technology (NTH), the first Norwegian electrodynamic loudspeaker drivers were designed. Since then Norwegian engineers have been leading the technology race in driver design. From its founding in 1950 as a spin-off of the Norwegian radio manufacturers Radionette and Tandberg, SEAS has been dedicated to creating loudspeakers with superior sound reproduction. The company, whose name means Scandinavian Electro Acoustic Systems, has remained in the forefront of European driver manufacturers for more than 60 years. During this time, SEAS has evolved its products line – from a wide selection of standard drivers for radio and TV sets to the highly innovative customer influenced Hi-Fi drivers offered today. SEAS website.
Where to Buy:
Purchase Seas speaker drivers and speaker parts from Madisound: SEAS Design, SEAS Excel, SEAS Exotic, & SEAS Prestige.
W18NX001 + T25CF001 2way Passive Crossover Design
Seas Nextel 7″ and Excel tweeter
Woofer: 0.5 cubic foot vented, single straight port 2″ diameter x 6″ length.
Note: Single high-pass cap, but some extra resistor-padding in high-pass.
W18NX001 + T25CF002 2way Passive Crossover Design
Seas 7″ Nextel woofer and Millenium tweeter
W22NY001 + M15CH001 + T25CF002 3way Passive Crossover Design
3way Seas Nextel 8″ and Nextel midrange with Millenium Tweeter
Woofer: 1.0 cubic foot vented, single straight port 3″ diameter x 3.5″ length.
Midrange: 0.35 cubic foot sealed chamber
W26FX001 + W18E001 +T25CF002 3way Passive Crossover Design
3way with 10″ Excel, 7″ Excel, and Millenium tweeter by Seas.
Woofer: 3.0 cubic foot vented, single straight port 3″ x 4″.
Midrange: 0.75 cubic foot sealed
Note: Woofer in reverse polarity to midrange and tweeter. Large value midrange cap. Very large high-pass cap. Complex design with high parts count.
ZA14W008 + XT25TG30 2way Passive Crossover Design
Seas 5.5″ ZA14 and the Vifa XT25 Ring Radiator tweeter
Woofer: 0.25 cubic foot vented, single straight port 1.5″ x 5″
Clean design with single high-pass cap. Some extra padding on tweeter.
H1216 x2 + XT25TG30-04 MTM Passive Crossover Design
Passive Crossover Design for two Seas H1216 woofers and Peerless/Vifa XT25TG30-04 MTM
No specified box alignment.
Note: Crossover point ~2.3 kHz. Low parts count but two hi-pass caps. -0- resistor value indicates optional padding.
H1571 + T25CF001 2way Passive Crossover Design
Passive Crossover Design for Seas H1571 + T25CF001
No box alignment specified.
Note: Clean design with low parts count. Crossover point about 2 kHz. Single hi-pass cap.
H1208 x2 + H1262 + T25CF001 3way Passive Crossover Design
Seas H1208 x2 + H1262 + T25CF001 3way Passive Crossover Design
No box alignment specified.
Note: Woofer in reverse polarity. Crossover points ~ 250 Hz and 3 kHz. Output about 88 dB. Single hi-pass cap.
W22EX-001 x2 +W12CY-001 x2 + T25CF-002 3way Passive Crossover Design
Sease Excel W22EX-001 x2 + W12CY-001 x2 + T25CF-002 3way WWMTM Passive Crossover Design
Woofers: 3.2 cubic foot vented, single straight port 3″ x 5″.
Midranges: 0.25 cubic foot sealed
Note: Woofer in reverse polarity. Large value midrange cap and two large hi-pass caps. Crossover points about 250 Hz /2.2 kHz. High nominal output above 90 dB.
18W8531G x2 + T25CF002 Passive Crossover Design
Crossover Design for two 18W8531G woofers in parallel and T25CF002 Millennium tweeter
Woofers: Sealed box, no specified volume
Additional Notes: Clean design with low parts count and single hi-pass cap. Minimal padding in hi-pass circuit.
W18E-001 x2 and ST1308-4 MTM Passive Crossover Design
Crossover Design for W18E-001 x2 in parallel and Morel Supreme ST1308-4, MTM configuration
Woofers: Sealed box, no specified volume
Additional Notes: Low parts count and single hi-pass cap. Minimal padding in hi-pass circuit.
H1456 x2 + H1189 MTM Passive Crossover Design
Crossover Design for H1456 x2 + H1189, MTM configuration.
Woofers: 0.85 cubic foot vented, two straight ports each 2″ x 6″.
Additional Notes: Two large value hi-pass caps. Some padding in hi-pass circuit. -0- resistor value indicates optional padding to taste.
W22EX001x2 +W12CY001x2 + T25CF002 Passive Crossover Design
Crossover Design W22EX001 x2 +W12CY001 x2 + T25CF002 3way with double woofers and midranges (WWMTM)
Woofers: 3.2 cubic foot vented, single straight vent 3″ x 5″
Midranges: 0.25 cubic foot sealed
Additional Notes: Crossover points about 250 Hz and 3.2 kHz. Strong nominal output ~ 90 dB. Two large value hi-pass caps. Single very large value midrange cap. Some padding in hi-pass circuit. Note the woofer is in reverse polarity relative to the mid and tweeter.
W15CH001 x2 +T25CF002 MTM Passive Crossover Design
Passive Crossover Design for W15CH001 x2 +T25CF002 (MTM configuration)
No designated box alignment.
Additional Notes: Crossover point about 2.2 kHz. Nominal output ~ 88-90 dB. Two large value hi-pass caps. Some padding in hi-pass circuit.
W15CH001 +T29B001 Passive Crossover Design
Crossover Design for Seas 5″ Excel W15CH001 + Seas Beryllium dome T29B001
No designated box alignment.
Additional Notes: Crossover point about 2.0 kHz. Low nominal output ~ 81-84 dB. High parts count. Two series large value hi-pass caps. Significant padding in hi-pass circuit.
SB17RNXC3508 x2 + H1280 Passive Crossover Design
Crossover Design for SB17RNXC3508 x2 in parallel + H1280, MTM configuration
No specified box alignment.
Additional Notes: Crossover point about 2.4 kHz. Strong nominal output ~ 92 dB. Two large value hi-pass caps. Significant padding in hi-pass circuit.
Passive Crossover Design for P17WJ00 + T25CF002
Crossover Design for P17WJ00 woofer and T25CF002 tweeter
No box alignment specified.
Additional Notes: Low crossover point about 1.9 kHz. Nominal output ~ 87-88 dB. Clean design with two large value hi-pass caps. Some padding in hi-pass circuit.
Passive Crossover Design for H1571 + T25CF001
Crossover Design for Seas H1571 woofer and T25CF001 tweeter
No box alignment specified.
Additional Notes: Crossover point about 2.0 kHz. Nominal output ~ 87-88 dB. Clean design with low parts count and single hi-pass cap. Some padding in hi-pass circuit.
Passive Crossover Design for H1480 + H881
Crossover Design for Seas Pluto/ LXmini H1480 woofer + Seas H881 tweeter
Anechoic (flat response)
Vented box, no volume or port specified.
Additional Notes: Low crossover point about 1.9 kHz. Very low nominal output ~ 81 dB. Two large value hi-pass caps. Significant padding in hi-pass circuit.
Passive Crossover Design for H1305 + H1262 + H1189 3way
Crossover Design for Seas H1305 woofer, H1262 midbass and H1189 tweeter (3way configuration)
Anechoic (flat response)
Woofer: 1.6 cubic foot vented, single straight port 3″ x 2.5″ length.
Midrange: 0.2 cubic foot sealed.
Additional Notes: Crossover points about 350 Hz and 4.0 kHz. Strong nominal output ~ 89-90 dB. Two hi-pass caps and large midrange cap. Significant padding in hi-pass circuit. Note the woofer is in reverse polarity relative to the mid and tweeter.
Passive Crossover Design for H1288 + MDT30S
2-way crossover design for Seas H1288 woofer and Morel MDT30S
Box alignment: 2.0 cubic foot, single straight vent 3″ x 6″ length.
Additional Notes: Low crossover point about 1.8 kHz. Nominal output ~ 86 dB. Two large value hi-pass caps. Significant padding in hi-pass circuit.
Passive Crossover Design for H1288 + H1216 + H0737 3way
Crossover design for Seas H1288 woofer, H1216 midbass, and H0737 tweeter (3way configuration)
Anechoic (flat response).
Woofer: 2.8 cubic foot vented with single straight vent 3″ x 6″ length.
Midrange: 0.2 cubic foot sealed.
Additional Notes: Crossover points about 300 Hz and 4.0 kHz. Nominal output ~ 88 dB. Two hi-pass caps and large value midrange cap. Significant padding in hi-pass circuit. Note the woofer is in reverse polarity relative to the mid and tweeter.
Passive Crossover Design for H1216 x2 + XT25TG30-04 MTM
Crossover design for two Seas H1216 woofers and the Peerless XT25TG30-04 Tweeter (MTM configuration)
No designated box alignment.
Additional Notes: Crossover point about 2.4 kHz. Nominal output ~ mid 80’s dB. Two large value hi-pass caps. Some padding in hi-pass circuit. -0- resistor value indicates optional padding to taste.